In this article, I want to share important UX Interview Tips based on something I have observed in the last couple of weeks while interviewing various job candidates. It’s not about your CV, portfolio or communication skills. It’s about your mindset and energy that you bring into an interview or important meeting. So today, I’m not going to talk about User Experience (UX) Design as usual, but about this issue instead which is something that I found very surprising. Perhaps it is the sign of the times that people are feeling a little bit more down than usual, probably due to COVID, probably due to the looming recession or the negative news that we see in the media.
The candidates I met came in with a much lower energy even as they were answering my questions or talking about themselves. And it sounds to a certain degree, that it’s not just about them feeling nervous. They don’t actually feel nervous. They literally feel down, and I can sense that. It’s something to be very mindful of, especially in terms of the energy that you bring to a conversation.