It’s common to come across UX Job Descriptions that go something like this:
“A total of 8+ years experience with 4 years experience in designing and executing qualitative and quantitative research studies including moderation, analysis and final report presentation.”
And these unrealistic Job Descriptions are not only limited to senior or lead roles. Many junior roles tend to demand applicants to have had worked a certain number of years in the industry. Whether these few lines succeed in securing their dream UX Designers or not, what they definitely succeed in doing is scaring away aspiring UX Designers, especially ones who have had no prior background in design.
Such Job Descriptions convince us that we need to have had years and years of experience before even attempting to apply for our first UX job. It puts us in a constant state of feeling under-qualified and can even eventually lead to having Impostor Syndrome. In this article, I’ll talk about how you can be a UX Designer with no experience.
To talk about that, I’m going to share with you the story of someone who indeed, broke into the UX industry without prior design background. Maverlyn was our very first guest in our Leaning Into Change Webinar series conducted every Wednesday for free over the past year or so. She kicked the series off on a high note as she shared with me and over 70 other attendees about her unconventional start in UX, being someone who has had zero experience in the design field. You can watch her full webinar under the ‘Featured Interviews’ section here.